★ University 1:帕森斯艺术设计学院 PARSONS(纽约)
Master of Fine Arts (MFA) in Fashion Designand Society
2 years, 60 credits
Full-time graduate program
A highly selective program that combines intensive studio-basedprojects with research and artistic exploration. Applicants must have abachelor’s degree in fashion design and a substantial portfolio.
Application fees are $50 for U.S. domesticapplicants, and $75 for international applicants
The application deadline is January 1
TOEFL, IELTS, and PTE: All applicants whosefirst language is not English must submit valid TOEFL, IELTS, or PTE scores. The minimum score required for TOEFL (IBT) is 92, for IELTS is 7.0, andfor PTE is 63. Our TOEFL institution code is 2638.
All finalists for the Fashion Design and SocietyMFA program must be interviewed by the graduate faculty either in person or bySkype. All selected interviewees are expected to present full portfolios withevidence of process and design development work and examples of their 3D work(i.e., clothing).
2.邮寄地址MailingAddress for Supplemental Materials:
Parsons School of Design
Office of Admission (PS 300)
79 Fifth Avenue, 5th floor
New York, NY 10003
Portfolio: The portfolio must be completed in SlideRoom only.Submit 25 to 40 images that provide a clear representation of your concepts andskills as a designer. Applicants can submit images of the following: pages fromsketchbooks (showing in-depth research and design development work), finalillustrations, technical drawings, artwork from various design projects,textile/knitwear work, fabric use, and/or photographs of clothing collectionsthat you have developed. If you would like to submit moving images such asinstallation, performance, or live fashion show work, please submit them usingSlideRoom.
帕森斯设计学院1896 年成立,是享誉世界的大师级设计学院,与中央圣马丁艺术与设计学院、法国ESMOD国际服装设计学院并称世界三大设计学院。众所周知,帕森斯有三大强势专业,服装设计专业、时尚管理专业、插画专业。其中服装设计专业更是常年位居全美的首位。著名校友包括Marc Jacobs、Anna Sui、Alexander Wang、Yohji Yamamoto等,每年学校都会为各大企业输送毕业人才,他们大都担任大型企业的重要设计职位,这里的毕业生把握着企业产品的设计风向标,并引领着美国时装界的潮流。学校为学生提供很多独一无二的实习机会,包括香奈儿公司、康泰纳仕集团、迪斯尼公司、梦工厂、谷歌、马克雅克布以及联合国总部等。
★ University 2:纽约时装学院FIT(纽约)
Masterof Fine Arts Fashion Design
application fee of $50
The graduateapplication for admission will be available September 17, 2018.January 15, 2019,InternationalStudent Priority Deadline
不需要GRE:GRE scores mustbe submitted in paper or electronically from Educational Testing Service toinstitution code 2257.Graduate RecordExamination (GRE) scores are recommended for the MA in Art MarketStudies, and required for the MA in Fashion & TextileStudies and the MPSin Global Fashion Management programs.
Official score reports must be sentto the graduate admissions office directly from the testing agency. Scores canbe sent by paper or electronically using FITs institution code of 2257, department code 99.
For all graduate programs, ourminimum score requirements are:
TOEFL (iBT) minimum is 85,IELTS (academic) minimum is 6.5
1.邮寄地址Mailing Address
Fashion Institute of Technology
School ofGraduate Studies, Room E-316
227 West 27thStreet
New York, NY10001
Program Specific Admissions Requirements for Fashion Design MFA:
A:Proposal of Thesis Study - 1000 word max.
B:Minimum - 30 page PDF Portfolio of work showing 10 page- PAST, 10 page - PRESENT and 10 page - Future: Work that supports your Tow to submit your portfolio after your completedapplication is received )
C:Select applicants will be asked to complete a small project in preparationfor their interview.
成立于1944年的纽约时装学院,是国际著名的服装与艺术设计院校。纽约时装界约60%的专业人士曾在这里学习及进修,曾培养出Calvin Klein、Norma Kamail、David Chu等众多国际著名服装设计师。FIT的学术氛围相较于Parsons、RISD等学校,更偏实用性和商业化。学校常年和许多企业都保持着良好的合作关系,经常举办与时尚相关的展览和各种活动,为学生提供了充分的商业机会,因此FIT毕业生的就业率几乎接近100%,完胜其它院校,且相对于私立院校,FIT作为公立院校,费用要便宜很多。
★ University 3:芝加哥艺术学院SAIC(芝加哥)
Master of Design in Fashion, Body andGarment
Application fee: $90
Application Deadline: January 15
TOEFL: 85,IELTS:6.5,The TOEFLInstitution Code for SAIC is 1713
SAIC GraduateAdmissions
36 S. Wabash Ave., Suite 1201
Chicago, IL 60603
ePortfolio:Applicants are required to submitan ePortfolio. You must submit a separate ePortfolio for each program or studiodepartment to which you apply. After you pay the application fee and submit theapplication form, an ePortfolio for each of the programs you selected in theapplication form will automatically appear in your SlideRoom dashboard.
Your portfolio should include a minimum of five different projects documentedin up to 20 images, or up to 10 minutes of time-based work, or a combination ofthe two in which one image is equivalent to approximately two minutes oftime-based work.
Images: .jpg, .gif, .pdf (up to 5MB each)
Videos: .flv, .wv, .mov (up to 60MB each)
Audio: .mp3 (up to 10 MB each)
Text documents: MUST be in .pdfformat (up to 10 MB each)
Interviews:The Fashion Design department conductsinterviews by invitation only. Applicants who pass the preliminary review willbe invited to schedule an on-campus interview in February. Notification will besent by late January.