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@Brandon Barre

建筑可以生存和呼吸。它的设计可以吸收周围环境的能量和美感。位于蒙特利尔国际区(Quartier international)的Humaniti综合大楼正是这样做的。从外向内设计,它反映了周围环境的丰富性和多样性,同时具有自己的生命力。


A building can live and breathe. Its design can absorb and contribute to the energy and aesthetic of its surroundings. The Humaniti complex in Montreal’s Quartier international does just that. Designed from the outside-in, it reflects the richness and diversity of its surroundings while taking on a life of its own.


@Brandon Barre

@Brandon Barre


@Brandon Barre

@Brandon Barre


Located at the heart of vibrant downtown Montreal, Humaniti’s mix of luxury hotel, condo and rental units, offices, restaurants, boutiques and public spaces is the embodiment of the “live, work, play” lifestyle. Inhabitants and onlookers alike are invited to interact and admire. Even the project’s unique H-shaped design promotes a dialogue and openness across its 39 floors of many differing vocations.

@Brandon Barre

@Brandon Barre

另一个典型的设计例子是Humaniti的广阔的多功能广场。这个户外空间是宏伟的Jean-Paul-Riopelle广场的独特延伸,面向它,并以著名的加拿大雕塑家命名。著名的雕塑“La Joute”似乎在静静地与雄伟的邻居交流。在两座塔楼中较大的那座上,蜂巢状的建筑姿态加强了垂直城市的概念。它的人口规模和定义明确的共管公寓和普通公寓组合,在容纳数百个住宅的同时,给人一种更小的社区感觉。

Another example of open and generous design is Humaniti’s expansive multifunctional plaza. This outdoor space is a unique extension of the magnificent Place Jean-Paul-Riopelle facing it, named for the famed Canadian sculptor. His famous “La Joute” sculpture seems to quietly communicate with its majestic neighbour. On the larger of two towers, a hive-like architectural gesture reinforces the vertical city concept. Its human scale and well-defined groupings of condos and apartments evoke a smaller, community feel while accommodating hundreds of dwellings.

@Brandon Barre


As the first residential project to be awarded WELL certification in Canada, Humaniti rental condos demonstrates what’s possible when well-being and health are central to our living spaces, and the limits of biophilic design and sustainable development are surpassed through rigorous research and careful, human-centered designs.


Project name: Humaniti

Classification: Residential

Project location: Montreal, Quebec

Area: 63,000 M2

Year of project completion: 2021

Owner Firm: Cogir

Design Firm: Lemay

Chief Designer: Andrew King

Design Team: Valentin Guirao, Jeffrey Ma and many others

Cooperation Team: Interiors: Escobar Design by Lemay


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