

更新时间:2024-03-21 10:34:44       发布时间:7小时前        作者:MVP学习网       热度: 0       



Amant is spread across three blocks of rapidly changing, industrial North Brooklyn. An innovative cultural incubator, the facility functions both privately and publicly, housing artist studios, galleries, offices, a performance space, and a cafe.

鸟瞰 © Iwan Baan


校园入口处 © Iwan Baan

校园入口处 © Iwan Baan



Central to Amant’s design is the idea of an urban oasis, a space where the pace of art-making can slow to allow experimentation and meaningful reflection. The campus converses with the site’s eclectic post-industrial neighborhood, just as the organization housed within fosters dialogue between artist, visitor, and community.

轴测分析图 © SO-IL


从庭院看向建筑 © Iwan Baan

从庭院看向建筑 © Iwan Baan

绿洲般的庭院 © Iwan Baan

绿洲般的庭院 © Iwan Baan


Rather than isolating from their urban context, the distributed volumes weave through the fabric of the city. Pockets of outdoor space with multiple entry points provide myriad opportunities to relate to the surrounding neighborhood while providing sanctuary from the city’s intensity. Public routes channeled through large city blocks create new means of circulation and discovery. Courtyards and thoroughfares dart through and between existing buildings, moving visitors past more private spaces at the periphery to centrally located galleries and exhibitions.

建筑入口 © Iwan Baan

图书馆 © Iwan Baan

办公室 © Iwan Baan

展览空间 © Iwan Baan

展览空间 © Iwan Baan

休闲空间 © nkubota

表演空间 © Iwan Baan


Each of the four buildings in this collection contributes a gallery unique in proportion, size, light quality, and infrastructure. The porous campus remains flexible to curation, facilitating diverse, technically demanding programming on large to intimate scales for local and international artists across disciplines.

窗户细节 © Iwan Baan

深纹理的混凝土材质 © nkubota

深纹理的混凝土材质 © nkubota


Materials render the buildings partly anonymous. Deeply textured form liners shape cast-in-place concrete. Bricks rotate out of plane to catch shadows. Galvanized steel bars toy with reflection and transparency. Each building nestles comfortably within its industrial context, offering surprising tactility, detail, and depth up close that betrays the familiar and the everyday.

项目模型 © SO-IL

轴测图 © SO-IL

首层平面图 © SO-IL

剖面图 © SO-IL


客户:Lonti Ebers





项目区域:1670㎡(场地面积),16400平方英尺(室内面积),21000平方英尺 (总面积 包括室内与室外)

SO – IL 执行团队:Florian Idenburg, Jing Liu, Kevin Lamyuktseung, Ted Baab

SO – IL 设计团队:Pietro Pagliaro, Grace Lee, Sanger Clark, Lucia Sanchez-Ramirez, Álvaro Gómez-Sellés, Kristen Too, Sophie Nichols, Christopher Riley, Alexandre Hamlyn, Regina Teng, Etienne Vallat, Marisa Musing, Tyler Mauri, Julie Perrone, Mario Serrano, Diego Fernandez, Yuanjun Summer Liu, John Chow


项目管理:Paratus Group

结构:Silman Associates

环境工程:CES Engineering, Plus Group Engineering

灯光:Buro Happold Engineering

幕墙顾问:Simpson Gumpertz & Heger

土木工程:Bohler Engineering

设备供应:J. Callahan Consulting, Inc.

声学/音频/安全:Harvey Marshall Berling Associates

混凝土:Reginald Hough Associates

岩土工程:Langan Engineering, PMT Laboratories, Inc

景观:Future Green

平面设计:Linked by Air


姓名:Rafael Gamo, Iwan Baan, Naho Kubota

Artist works in photographs by Gala Porras-Kim


Municipal Arts Society of New York, 2021 MASterworks ‘Best New Building’ Award

/ 纽约市政艺术协会,2021年MASterworks“最佳新建筑”奖

2021 Architecture Master Prize ‘Best of Best in Cultural Architecture’ Award

/ 2021年建筑大师奖“最佳文化建筑”奖

2021 AN Best of Design Awards

/ 2021年AN最佳设计奖


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