School of Design设计学院:
设计学院下面设有以下几个系:可持续设计(Design for sustainability)MA,设计管理(Design management)MA、MFA,纤维(Fibers),工业设计(Industrial design)BFA / MA、MFA,珠宝设计系(Jewelry and objects)BFA / MA、MFA,服务设计(Service design)BFA / MFA。这些专业都是在萨凡纳校区上课。
M.F.A. in fashion 90学时
Fashion Portfolios should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the design process through mood boards, fashion illustrations, flats and sewn garments from two-three collections. Applicants should show competency in the use of various industrial machinery and sewing techniques, and should submit 2D documentation of full-scale patterns, drapes and original sewn garments. The portfolio should demonstrate a high level of technical and conceptual ability, as well as creative research, investigation, problem-solving and an awareness of material processes. Applicants also should demonstrate a well-developed personal and aesthetic/design direction in the ability to develop work around a theme or concept as evidenced by a series of related works.
SCADs TOEFL institution code is 5631.
M.A. in fashion 45学时
Fashion Portfolios should demonstrate a thorough understanding of the design process through mood boards, fashion illustrations, flats and sewn garments from two-three collections. Applicants should show competency in the use of various industrial machinery and sewing techniques, and should submit 2D documentation of full-scale patterns, drapes and original sewn garments. The portfolio should demonstrate a high level of technical and conceptual ability, as well as creative research, investigation, problem-solving and an awareness of material processes. Applicants also should demonstrate a well-developed personal and aesthetic/design direction in the ability to develop work around a theme or concept as evidenced by a series of related works.